Why is Cuba in the heart of the world?

Back in March 2014, at the dawn of what would become the counterrevolutionary project Cuba Posible, one of its regular contributors, in an interview with a Miami correspondent on the Island, advised Cuba in its relations with the United States: «it is better, for the weakest actor, to adopt changes that make it fit or enter into a bigger puzzle where the American leadership predominates». The interviewee lamented that Cuban leaders «do not feel comfortable with the world that way and are doing everything they can to change it».Actually, the asymmetry of Cuba’s relationship with a neighboring country that has 30 times its population and is the most important economic and military power in the world is such that the proposal of joining the yoke and losing the Martian star on its forehead, accepting the world as it is and renouncing the goal of changing it, could seem attractive to some who think more like Americans than Cubans. Plattism and geographic fatalism have their share in our national history, something that is taught, not in American universities, but in national elementary schools.


Nosotros, representantes de organizaciones sociales, políticas, estudiantiles y líderes comunitarios, nos hemos reunido en La Habana como delegados al Encuentro Juvenil de Amistad Cuba-EEUU “Construyendo hoy nuestro futuro”. Durante intensas jornadas hemos compartido con científicos, campesinos, trabajadores, estudiantes, artistas, educadores, organizadores comunitarios para intercambiar sobre nuestras realidades y reafirmar de forma inequívoca la solidaridad con el pueblo cubano, que nos ha acogido calurosamente como amigos.

Sesiona Encuentro de Amistad Cuba-Estados Unidos (Fotos)

Hasta el venidero día 28 de noviembre, sesiona en La Habana el Encuentro Juvenil de Amistad Cuba- Estados Unidos Construyendo hoy nuestro futuro, donde participan más de 50 jóvenes del país norteño

Celebrado en La Habana Encuentro Juvenil de Amistad Cuba-Estados Unidos (+Fotos)

La jornada se desarrolló en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (Elam), con actividades como una conferencia sobre las relaciones bilaterales de Cuba y EE. UU. y la colorida Fiesta de Nacionalidades

we will show you some curiosities about Cuba…

If you have already decided to participate in the #YouthFrendshipMeeting #Cuba -- #EEUU, we tell you that starting today we will show you some curiosities about Cuba... so do not forget to visit us every day to learn a little more about the country you will visit soon. #BuildinOurFutureToday